Monday, October 21, 2013

Top 10 Saffron Thin Diet Tips for a Sporty, Hot and Glamorous Body

Spending huge amounts of money on fancy exercise and diet methods has become one of few guiltless indulgences. What could be a noble investment other than one’s health? True, but sometimes your investment could prove to be of no use. Therefore, it is crucial to understand your body and the fitness program it requires prior to jumping into fancy work-out program.

Nuts about fitness ideas? Me too, so dive into the bandwagon of calorie control and become fit. But before that clearly understand what calories actually are.

Energy is crucial to perform the functions of the body. The metric used to measure energy is called "calories". Increase in weight is the consequence of consuming more amount of calories than you can burn. But the truth is we all require calories to perform our daily chores, right from reading a novel to boarding a bus. Calories make it all  possible! Our body takes the energy from the food that we consume. As calories is the unit of energy it is crucial to understand this concept of calories clearly.

You don't have to worry about accumulating calories as long as your body uses the amount of calories it consumes. In other words, if you burn the calories that you consume , you will not gain weight. However, the problem arises when you do not utilize the calories that you have consumed. As this results in weight gain or obesity or whatever you call it.
That's when the super spice Saffron steps in. Saffron takes care of your calories and taste. So, you can have both taste and health at home. Saffron thin diet recipes offer you the advantage of cooking scrumptious meals in the comfort of your kitchen.

In this way, you also save money spent on extravagant restaurant meals or exorbitant fitness programs. Moreover,you can keep a close watch on your calorie intake. If you're still unsteady about the calorie consumptions and all, then Saffron thin diet tips are the answer. Inspired by the ancient Science and supported by a multitude of ongoing research, Saffron thin diet tips are the perfect solution for your fitness crisis.

Saffron Thin diet tips could be your fastest solution to this crisis. The first step is to start by ditching junk food from your diet completely.

1. Delicious Sandwiches:
Apple and Saffron. Instead of bread use Apple slices. Spread some saffron infused peanut butter inside, using saffron threads previously soaked in water. Your healthy and tasty sandwiches are ready to eat. Moreover, Apples lower cholesterol, protect the bones and are loaded with pectin so apples send additional health benefits your way.

2. Refreshing Saffron  Smoothie:
All you need is 1 papaya, peeled and finely sliced,1/2 banana, peeled and diced ,1 tsp of Saffron threads, 2 cups ice, 1 cup milk. Add the Saffron threads in the milk and bring it to a boil.Then, place all ingredients in the blender. Blend until smooth and creamy.

3. Sip On :
If you are looking for a healthy and  nutritious drink besides water, then look up. Are you wondering what I am talking about, it is definitely coconut. This is surely a pivotal component of nature’s health diet! Coconut  is blessed with the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals.You have a Coconut and Saffron recipe. Have loads of it and witness the results yourself!

4. Egg:
There is a popular phrase “love and eggs are best when they are fresh “. Actually , that’s true in the case of all the foods that we eat. Egg whites should be a regular part of our diet. They are  low-fat alternatives to maximize weight-loss potential. Not to mention that when combined with Saffron they are tasty too.

5. Sinful Indulgence :
For all the fitness conscious people out there, we would suggest to keep away from chocolates, dates, honey or jaggery, Christmas season is an exception!

6.Snack Break :
Looking out for a healthy alternative to the regular afternoon sugar or fat ridden snack here is an awesome saffron food that will satisfy your food cravings without adding those extra calories.How about Low-Calorie Strawberry Saffron pudding?

7. Tempting tip :
The primary causes why people give up on their diet routines or just give it up altogether is simply because they cannot resist those in-between meal hunger pains. This tempting Saffron thin diet tip, will help you deal with your hunger-pangs more effectively: Eat whole wheat bread dipped in Saffron milk.Yummy, isn’t it? Did you know that Saffron has been documented as Nature’s natural appetite suppressant!

8.Family time:
Busy like a bee, if that’s the term with which your loved ones call you, then you really need to slow down. Spending some quality time with your family is a must. A concrete solution would be to go for a walk post dinner along with your loved ones. This will not only grant you those priceless moments with them but will also help in keeping you  healthy and fit.

9.Smart Cooking:
Select recipes that include healthy cooking methods such as stir frying, roasting, grilling and steaming. Refrain from deep fried foods as much as possible.

10.Work-out :
Always remember a good exercise regime is must with a good diet regime. You can start by exercising at least 5 times a week. Sweating releases stored toxins and the aerobic exercise assists in digestion and metabolic activity.

Top 9 Saffron Desserts!

Delectable, Yummy, Savory, Sweet!
When you see all these words what do you think of? Something irresistible, right? Guess what?It’s the ultimate embellishment to a meal, the fond memory you'll leave lingering on the lips, none other than , Saffron desserts! A dessert can turn a casual meal into a memorable treat.

We all love desserts,but they constantly remind us about the Sugar content. It’s is better to save sweets and desserts for special occasions so you don’t end up having high sugar and the related conditions which may arise from it since dessert usually implies indulgence in the fat and calorie department.

But why should we care about calories? Why is it that the delicious food always comes with this calorie baggage? It is painstaking to refrain from delectable desserts, isn't it? Fortunately, you do have a luxury of diving into desserts anytime you wish. Saffron, the golden spice makes it possible to satisfy your sugar cravings without increasing your calories. These low-cal desserts are rich enough to satisfy your taste quotient.


1. Tiny Saffron Cakes
As it is said “ All good things come in small packages” . These little cakes are perfect treat for your little one’s birthday party or for a small party at home. You can make it with the help of low calorie flour combined with Saffron threads and brown sugar.

2. Dark Chocolate Fantasy

You can make your Dark fantasy come true with a dark Saffron chocolate. All you need is Dark chocolate ,milk and Saffron threads. Melt the chocolate over low heat and add milk and saffron threads to it. Your tasty and low calorie dessert is ready. Besides, dark chocolate is loaded with stress busting antioxidants. So, dig in your favorite dessert after a tiresome day .

3. Saffron Chocolate Pudding
This rich union of the chocolate and saffron is sure to leave you wanting for more. The low fat dairy products and saffron are definitely going to keep your waist slim and trim.

4. Saffron Pumpkin Pie
This is simple and easy to make low calorie Saffron dessert. You only need 1/2 cup of Pumpkin pie, 1/4 cup of eggs, brown sugar, 1 tsp of Saffron threads. Combine all the ingredients properly. Place it in the oven for 5 minutes. Your Saffron Pumpkin pie is ready to eat. You can use Yogurt for the icing.

5. Saffron (Kesar) lassi
Creamy, exuberant and thick like an ice-cream, this Indian style health drink is something different from the usual health drinks. Saffron kesar lassi is extremely nutritious and tasty to drink. It is made up of curd, Saffron, almonds, sugar to taste and milk. You just have to hang the curd for two hours in a muslin cloth. Then strain it and add milk, Saffron threads, to it and refrigerate it for 20 minutes. After that garnish it with almond and just slurp on. Serve it in tall glasses for a luxurious treat.

6. Saffron Brownies

Dip tiny pieces of brownie into Saffron milk for a quick and swift brownie treat. An fascinating dessert with low calories as well. You can also add in Saffron to your favorite brownie recipe.

7. Banana Saffron Delicacy
This one's surely going to make for an interesting and tasty treat. For all those who love banana or who simply do not like them. This Banana Saffron delicacy is going to make you fall in love with Banana. Besides, it is easy to make, just dip the bananas in saffron milk and drizzle few cut cashew nuts on them. Or get out your blender and be sure to throw some Saffron threads in the mix!

8. Low Calorie Fat Burning Saffron -Peanut butter
Mix in 1 teaspoon of Peanut butter into 1/4 teaspoon of Saffron threads previously soaked in water. This small dessert treat tastes divine.

9.Saffron Latte
Pour one cup of cooled coffee over ice and add a scoop of cream to it . Drizzle a little Saffron threads in and mix it up. Your Saffron Latte is ready to drink.

So, you can now enjoy your sweetest fantasies without worrying about the sugar content. Thanks to the sugar substitute secret weapon, Saffron!

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Easy 6 Step Saffron Thin Diet Plan

Teenage Girls Diet Plan Out :  Saffron Thin Diet For Pop-star Bodies

Self -Esteem is an essential human need. This 10 letter word plays a pivotal role in shaping our destiny especially during our teens.

Most teenage girls wish to have svelte bodies like their Pop icons. They think that having slim and trim bodies can boost their self-esteem and make them popular. This idea is influenced to a large extent by the images and associations teens reap from pop stars on a daily basis.

Britney Spears has the best female body, according to lot of teenage girls. Celebrity interviews and their diet regime have become quite popular among many teenage girls. Quite a lot of teenage girls take the help of “cosmetic surgery” on their quest to attain a pop star body.
to achieve a”flawless”' lean physique.

Sometimes they consume diet pills in order to to achieve a”flawless”' lean physique. These diet pills work on the principle of suppressing the appetite and increasing metabolism to help thin in a speedy manner.

However, most of these diet pills have long term negative effects on health. As seen in the case of Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston, who lost her life at age of 21 years due to an infection as a result of extreme dieting.

Saffron works out on the theory of suppressing the appetite. However, this is done in a completely natural way. The ancient spice Saffron is attributed with immense health improving benefits. It comprises naturally mood enhancing and appetite suppressing “magical elements” that can prove to be helpful in getting rid of obesity and attaining a healthy body. Saffron, was used in medicinal and health Science since ancient times.

The Saffron thin diet plan? Still a little mystical, but seems to be doing a good job! It isn't a quick remedy but a good and healthy alternative to lead a healthy life. Using new techniques to attain good health can be dull and tedious, raising a lot of eyebrows. However, Saffron diet plans are backed by research and are completely easy and healthy.

Genes play a significant role in the case of fitness and diet. People a good genetic structure prevail with excellent health. Having said that, it is crucial to have good eating habits. Despite of have a good genetic structure, individuals with poor eating habits often suffer with obesity and other health and fitness related issues.

Saffron targets on basic issues which affect the diet and fitness of teenagers. It directly focuses on emotional as well as physical concerns.

The Saffron diet program addresses emotional issues teenagers face and assists in committing them to a satisfying food plan that curbs junk food.

Due to emotional stress or peer pressure teens indulge in fast food items which can have a direct impact on the health and fitness. Saffron thin diet recipes are easy to make and have the ability to elevate the mood . This is beneficial in eliminating stress and helping teens attain a good health

The Easy 6 Step Saffron Thin Diet Plan

1. Say Good Morning To Milk: It is crucial to start your Day with a Glass of water, quickly followed with a glass of Saffron Milk .It will assist in re-hydrating your body and skin after a night's sleep.

2. Yummy Breakfast: Studies have shown that those who have the luxury of having breakfast are slim, trim, and overall alert and active. Go for items with a low glycemic index. This will assist in giving your body an energy boost throughout the morning. Good choices include Saffron and raisin bread with low fat-reduced cream cheese and cubed apple with Saffron threads sprinkled on them, Saffron Omelet, Saffron tea, a low- fat Saffron milkshake. An accompanying glass of fresh pineapple juice will count towards your five-a-day fruit and vegetable target.

3. Delicious Yogurt: You can go for Saffron sweet yogurt to get a sustained and steady boost to keep you going until lunch. Besides ,yogurt also contains calcium essential for strong bones. It can be of great help to eat calcium-rich food in between meals. Avoid eating a sandwich prior to lunch to help maintain your diet plan.

4. Lunch -time: Having a high-protein lunch in the afternoon is essential to satisfy your hunger quotient as well as to boost mental alertness .You can go for rasty Spanish Chicken Paella with Saffron . Remember no to over indulge yourself in the afternoon meal. As this can hamper your concentration and make you lethargic. You can opt for a nice hot saffron coffee post lunch to keep you mentally active.

5. Tea Break: For many millennium, tea has been considered to have tremendous medicinal and health benefits. Tea is a important factor in happiness and good health. Tea is a great way to unwind yourself after a tiresome day. Saffron Tea is fully loaded with antioxidants and has immense health boosting benefits. It is reputed for being an intestinal antiseptic.

6. Dinner: Become Vegan, at least during dinner time. For dinner go for a serving of broccoli or other vegetables like cabbage or Brussels sprouts. Have a dinner with carbohydrates that can help to facilitate a sound sleep. Carbohydrates can boost serotonin formation in the brain, assisting you to get a good sleep, adding in Saffron to any recipe is the topping on the cake!.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Piyush The Natural Saffron Health Drink

Want something to drink? Don't merely grab a bottle of cola to quench your thirst. Stay fit and healthy by opting for a drink with mystical health benefits. As it is rightly said “Health is Wealth”. That’s why when it comes to health there should be no compromise.

Slurp on your way to a healthy body with nutrient enriched health drinks. There are numerous alternatives available. However, water is the best choice: It’s calorie-free, and it’s easily available too.

Water bestows everything our body requires. It facilitates in reinstating fluids lost through metabolism, breathing, sweating, and the removal of waste. It’s the ideal beverage for quenching thirst and re-hydrating your system.

No wonder, life was first born in water. Besides water, nature has bestowed many natural ingredients with immense health boosting potential. It is just that we have to take a look at our kitchen pantry or our garden or sometimes ancient science to find a healthy solution to our problem.

Saffron is an excellent calorie-free, sugar-free choice. For some people who are accustomed to drinking sweet beverages,Saffron health drink can prove to be a healthy and tasty alternative.

The golden spice comprises of carotenoid compounds that are anti-oxidants. These prevent free radical reactions which produce harmful compounds that are precursors to disease. They assist in protecting against free radical damage, by neutralizing stomach acids, accelerating digestion and protecting skin cells. Saffron enjoys a great reputation as a drug which strengthens the functioning of stomach and promotes its action. Saffron is known as a blood purifier with anti-inflammatory properties. To improve your health without compromising on flavor or to pep your daily diet regime, try this refreshing Saffron-based health drink called Piyush.

This Saffron health drink is a perfect example of blending two different ingredients to form a wonderful health drink.

A delectable health drink is formed when two incredible things are blended together in the right way, and the result is amazing! Piyush, a creamy Saffron drink is made by mixing buttermilk and shrikhand or sweet Yoghurt. To make this fascinating drink fast, use shrikhand or sweet yoghurt that is readily available in the market.

Piyush is the beloved Indian especially Maharashtrian, health drink. 'Piyush' actually refers to Amrit or the health drink of the Gods. And when you drink it, you actually feel divine!

It is simple and easy to make. Here is the recipe...

Ingredients (serves 2)

1) 250 gm Sweet Yoghurt
2) 3 cups fresh thick curd
3) 2 tbsp sugar
4) Cardamom powder - 1 teaspoon
5) Nutmeg powder 1/2 teaspoon
6) Pistachio slivers 1 teaspoon
7)1 teaspoon of Saffron Threads


Blend in all the ingredients except the Saffron threads and pistachio slivers in a blender and run for just a minute or two. Pour the frothy blend into a tall glass, garnish with Pistachio slivers and saffron threads and refrigerate it for 2 hours before you enjoy it. Adjust the quantity of sugar as per your taste.

Now isn't it easy to make this divine drink? So try it out at the earliest and slurp on!

Saffron Diet for Super Moms

Fed-up of no-carb and stressful diets? New moms need to have a super diet that will help them regain both health and fitness and become super moms. There’s so much that moms have to do and it’s hard to fit everything in, but after the kids are born mom’s forget to think about themselves. It is crucial for moms to take care of their health in order to take better care of their little one.

Lot of women jump start on a diet program to shed those extra pounds gained during pregnancy. Almost every day we come across advertisements in magazine or on TV that assure to deliver a “flat tummy” or “svelte figure”. Often, however, they miss out the significant fact that health and nutrition are extremely crucial for new moms.

So, how do Beyonce,Gisele Bundchen manage to look so cool, post pregnancy? Soon after giving birth to her little girl, Blue Ivy, Beyoncé was back in full force, flaunting her curvaceous body in a concert. Their super -secret is revealed, certainly eating the right food and doing the right exercises.

As the Supermodel Gisele Bundchen has herself given the full credence for her super cool looks post the birth of her son to diet and workout. She gives full credit to a good yoga regime and healthy living for her superb figure post pregnancy as per Vogue magazine.

Meet the super -spice Saffron that will have no trouble making it from your shopping cart to your dining room table. This spice can help you become the chicest mom without compromising on taste and health

The exotic spice is protein-rich and full of calcium, but this dusty golden spice’s real claim to fame is that it contains carotenoids, and promotes a healthy digestive system threw bolstering immune function. You can effortlessly lose weight without compromising on your health with Saffron thin diet tips.

Once the baby is here Saffron is a excellent tool to help you stay fit but just as a reminder, be sure to avoid Saffron during pregnancy because it's anti-inflammatory properties are so powerful that it can conflict, and Saffron is unsafe for use during pregnancy.


1. Slim and Trim Diet: Diet plays a pivotal role during pregnancy and as well as after the birth of your bundle of joy. Diet and nutrition are both crucial to ensure that both mom and baby are getting all the significant nutrients required for the growth and development of the baby. You , too can have a slender and statuesque figure in a healthy way only if you follow the Saffron thin diet recipes.

2.Good Food Habits : New mothers need to replenish their bodies with nutrients that they have lost for the benefit of their new little one. It is important to eat a well-balanced and nutritional diet that can stabilize your metabolism and give you enough energy throughout the day. You can have small servings of these foods every three hours to give you enough nutrients that your body needs.

3. Managing Diabetes : It’s really a combination of exercise and eating right. As per Saffron thin diet post pregnancy program, it is important to follow good food habits for slimming down -- eating small meals every few hours and avoiding sodium-rich and fried food . This assists in maintaining your blood-sugar levels steady, which is a key factor for managing diabetes.

4. Foods To Avoid : New mommies who wish to have a svelte body should refrain from the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Instead of that increase the intake of foods that are rich in in protein and fiber. Try to include lean protein foods along with complex carbs that come from whole grains. Eat more green vegetables and high-fiber fruits, and use unsaturated fats

5. Detoxifying Do not forget to drink at least 8 cups of water each day. Water helps in detoxifying your body.

6. Sunshine Vitamin: Another important cause for obesity and stomach fat is Vitamin D deficiency. It is vital to increase the daily requirement of the sunshine vitamin to lose weight and have a healthy body. Vitamin D can be easily found in fortified foods, such as milk and orange juice. But an astonishing amount of natural source for D comes in the form of everyone’s favorite, Sunshine.

7. Super Spice : You can add Saffron threads to your diet routine to make it more healthy and tasty. Because Saffron is so low in calories, it can be added to almost any dish or drink, from fresh garden salads to savory stews. Try putting Saffron center stage with these recipes to attain a good figure and a healthy body.

8. Fun -Workout : It isn't necessary that you go to a gym in order to be able to wear that its-bitsy striped bikini like your favorite celebrity post pregnancy. You can get rid of that excess body fats by indulging in activities that you thoroughly enjoy as per Saffron thin diet program. One such great activity could be dancing or perhaps swimming because it’s not that taxing on your joints and assists in burning calories as well. You may probably go for gardening which also claims to help burn loads of calories in an hour. This one’ s something and you and your baby can do together, taking your little one on a long walk down a bike trail or through the park.

9. Yoga : As a new mommy , you could perhaps enroll in a Yoga program specially designed for new mothers. This will definitely help you rev up your metabolism and attain a good body that too ,in a healthy way. A number of celebrity mommies have taken advantage of Yoga classes to stay fit and healthy post pregnancy.

Following these Saffron thin diet tips will certainly help you attain good health and body. All you need to do is be positive, be steady, and enjoy. Indulge in various activities to refrain yourself from monotony and also to maximize the amount of calories you will burn. So, what are you waiting for ?