Friday, July 26, 2013

Saffron is the color of Hinduism and Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian Medicinal Science. Ayurveda is comprised of the two words “Ayush” meaning life and “Veda” meaning knowledge, together it is the knowledge of life . Hindu religion which is a primitive religion of India is based on four Vedas namely, Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. Therefore, it is also called the “Vedic Religion”.

The term ‘Hindu’ is derived from the name of the river “Sindhu” or Indus. The people living near the river “Sindhu” were called Hindus and that’s how India from Indus as per the “Discovery of India” written by the Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister.

Hinduism is an ancient religion still in practice today. It’s renowned for versatility, zest of tradition, the innumerable rituals and devotion. Hinduism is also famous for its storehouse of knowledge known as the Vedas. Colors play a pivotal role in both the Hindu culture and religion. They are closely associated with different gods, holy symbols and divine charms.

Saffron is the color of Hinduism. Saffron color is considered to be a divine color and as such of immense significance in Hinduism. Saffron represents, the Supreme being, purity, courage divinity and salvation. According to Hinduism , Saffron has the potential to influence the mind and soul.

Saffron forms an integral part of any Ayurvedic medicine or treatment. Ayurveda was practiced by the he ancient rishis (seers), the original masters of Indian sciences. Perhaps, that’s why the Rishis even adorned Saffron robes.

According to Ayurveda our body is a temple and should be therefore treated with an holistic approach. Healthy diets and lifestyles are a given tremendous importance in Ayurveda. Thus, it is is one such eternal science that defines wellness of both mind and body.

Ayurveda advocates that health is maintained by the balancing of the three Doshas Vatha (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (cold). Great significance is therefore given to diet in this age-old medical science.

Healthy, tasty, cleansing food form a large part of Ayurvedic diet. According to this ancient science it is important to consume food before 10pm for proper digestion and to balance the Pitta Dosha.

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. It's loaded with qualities that can improve both your beauty and health. This exotic spice has been used in Ayurvedic treatments for thousands of years. According to Ayurveda , saffron is highly effective as an appetite suppressant and mood enhancer.

Saffron is attributed tremendous amount of importance as it is an “Ojas” building spice. Ojas in Ayurveda refers to an element that is responsible for enhancing immunity from diseases. The golden spice is also considered to boost love, giving and joy and that’s why it forms a major portion of the Hindu Festive dishes.

As per Ayurveda, Saffron reduces anxiety, stress and elevates the mood. It also reduces cholesterol levels, improves digestion, purifies the blood, cures insomnia and many more. It facilitates in relieving your brain from mental stress and in this way helps maintain a healthy body and sound mind. Saffron thin diet recipes help in curbing any form of physical and emotional stress, they also help in maintain health. Saffron is an essential element for increasing Ojas in your diet. Ojas help you combat many diseases and also increase your longevity.

Saffron thin diet recipes emphasize healthy eating habits which are the basis of Ayurveda. Cultivating healthy eating habits are instrumentally beneficial to the body in the long run.

It is crucial to pay attention to the needs and demands of the body and take the appropriate diet and fitness measures for good health. There is no point in falling for marketing gimmicks and consuming pills for a slim and slender body. As these pills can eventually have harmful effects on the body.

Saffron thin diet recipes are a healthy way to have a slim and slender body. Moreover, these diet recipes are not taxing on your health or your wallet.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Saffron History and Mediterranean Traditions

Saffron has marked European history with many important traditions. This has left a vibrant color on various aspects of European culture through the ages. This golden spice called Saffron has been a spectator. It has also been a participant in many events that speak of the vibrant cultural, artistic and royal heritage of Europe. 

Egyptian Saffron Use


Saffron has a variety of properties besides giving a yellow look to your dish. As per the research of hundreds of years of historical research and archaeological data, saffron was widely used during the time of Egypt's classical civilization. Its color and smell plays an important role and it gave refined life of the ancient Egyptians. It's a spice to be adored and treasured used in drinks, food, and baths! Because of saffron antiseptic and bacterial fighting properties it also served the purpose to embalm and dye shrouds where mummies are kept. The great Egyptians who are considered by many to be the most intriguing of all classical civilizations lived and died by Saffron, not only did they revel in it's glories in life but also in death.

Saffron Use in Ancient European History


It started a long time before 1600 BC from the painting in the palace of Minos. All the features of young saffron are easy to depict from the ancient history. It's clear that the tradition of planting and cultivating saffron existed before it was painted on the Minoan wall depicting a monkey doing all the hard work of collecting the saffron threads over 3600 years ago!

Later as Europe grew in culture and great cities formed, it served as a favorite dye in Athens as well as Rome. According to the Greek, Saffron was a sensual fragrance. So they scattered it in a lot of places like their royal baths, courtyard theaters and many more.

In order to welcome Nero as emperor of Rome, they sprinkled saffron all over the cobbled stone roads and showed their respect by laying it on the ground Nero traversed. The Romans even used it as a hair dye. The extent of use in Europe and it's deep rooted history clearly depicts how important it was to the fabric of society in Ancient Europe. 

Saffron Health Benefits


Along with cooking benefits, saffron gives a range of health benefits also. It maintains the level of blood cholesterol, strengthens the heart, soothes cough and bronchitis, gives relief from cramps and insomnia, brightens the mood and serves as a important preventative for developing cancer, and auto immune diseases that attack your body by causing inflammation. 

Taliouine Saffron Fields

So it's important to use the best quality of saffron on which a person can obtain. Saffron is a source of pride because it is powerful, and has a long history of being adored by national leaders the World over. When buying saffron make sure that you buy it from companies that employ true and hard working farmers who cultivate the best saffron. Its ancient history shows the usefulness and its power to cure a variety of problems. It's been said that some of the best Saffron comes from a small Moroccan village called Taliouine. Taliouine has a long rich history of being the most treasured Saffron producer for Northern Africa. The culture of Saffron was transplanted from Northern Africa to Spain when the country was overrun by the Moors in the year 711 AD. Saffron is one tradition that breathes of Spanish identity and can be found in all the signature hallmarks of a fine Spanish dish.

Stop wasting time. Simply buy the best saffron and start to receive the benefits for long term vitality. Enjoy the taste of Saffron the World's most famous spice with the sweet reputation of being the golden spice and lead a healthy life!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Saffron Thin Diet: Perfect Guilt Free Diet Tips

The low-rise jeans age and the additional attenuation of the not so modest bikini, have given rise to women paying more attention to their body. “Is my derriere proportionate?” is certainly the most feared question most men across the globe would definitely agree. The body is never perfect for any woman. A lot of women balk at the idea of wearing skimpy dresses for this very reason.

Highly celebrated and proudly flaunted by many a celebrity, socialite the bikini body is the dream of every woman. So, how do you get one ? By starving? Definitely not!You must like the foods you eat on a daily basis.

We all love to eat but cringe those lavish tables brimming with sugary appetizers, tasty side dishes, and yummy desserts. Who says you have to skip tasty food to stay lean? Staying lean does not mean “all work and no play “ or rather all work and no fun and no tasty food.

Fitness and good health are all about eating the right food at the right time and according to your body type. It is all about consuming food that will not only help burn fats but also provide energy. Keep a count on your calories and avoid junk food. To have that picture perfect body, you need to eat smartly which simply means framing your diet around the most powerful, nutrient-rich, immune system boosting, muscle-building foods available.

Saffron thin diet recipes let you indulge, guilt free.

Spicy treat: Here, we are talking about the exotic spice Saffron. The aroma alone sparks cravings for good meal and fun. Yes, it is true that this colorful spice has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac. But right now we will focus on diet and fitness. So, why is Saffron good for you?According to study,this powerful spice may actually help fight off a number of diseases and ailments. The golden spice is loaded it with immense health benefits. Saffron is also packed with antioxidants which may stave off cancer.

Olive Oil: Olive oil is good for health , you must have heard this thousands of times. But do you really know, why? The reason is simple, it increases the good Cholesterol which is called the HDL and reduces the bad cholesterol which is termed LDL. You could combine health and taste by making Saffron Chicken dishes with extra virgin Olive oil. Now this is what we call “smart cooking”. Besides saffron chicken is also a great source of proteins and proteins are called the building blocks of life.

Stay away from beverages: Beverages are full of elements that will hinder the process of losing weight. So, instead of going for those exorbitant drinks increase the intake of water. It is beneficial to consume 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday. Water helps in removing the toxins from the body, regulates body temp, acts as an insulator for joints, prevents kidney stones, and supplies the body with a heap of significant minerals.

Milk: Dairy products are a rich source of Calcium. Milk provides the body with the necessary amount of Calcium. And there are more ways to drink milk than just boiled, or topped with chocolate. Try Saffron Milk or you can go for Saffron Yogurt ,a delicacy that is sure to enlighten your mood and improve your health. They say some genius’s work better as a team. Make your team's all-star players Saffron & Milk!

Salads: We all love salads, don’t we? How about making this delicious dish a part of our dietary plan? But hello, we don't dig in Salads for that! We love them because they offer that amazingly rich taste that satisfies the soul. So the test is to make it healthy. Really, it's quite easy. Just don’t forget to use a fat -free dressing or preferably no dressing.

Something Fishy: Salmon is on our Saffron thin diet list for numerous reasons, but the numero uno reason has got to be its heart friendly quality. Any guesses? Salmon is fully packed with omega-3 fatty acids which are loaded with HDL cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids assist in improving heart health by regulating heart rhythms and keeping arteries and veins supple and free of blockages. Use it in combination with Saffron and you have a powerful food that's good for the heart! And that's not all,Salmon is potent source of proteins. Moreover, you can make several interesting and yummy dishes with Salmon using Saffron. In this way you can enjoy a healthy combo meal that will satisfy your taste buds and boost your health as well. And that's what is called a good diet, what say ?

Saffron Kharvas Beesting Pudding Colostrum Recipe

Tasty, Delicious, Nutritious & Milky 

Looking for something sugary to crunch on? But afraid of calories. Just ditch the sweets! Don’t fret! All you sweet lovers out there will simply adore the Saffron ,Colostrum and Milk recipe.

Saffron makes the food look like it has descended upon the earth from the heavens. It makes it taste divine and takes you back in time, to the era of peace, tranquility and serenity.
Ahhhhh, the divine power of Saffron. So, when you combine the mystical power of the golden spice with that of Milk , what do you get? Any guesses. Power-packed combo nutrient- rich drink that's for good health. 

This natural and delicious source of nutrition will also make heads turn. You’ll want to gulp down more of this Saffron Beesting Colostrum recipe every day when you read about its surprising health and beauty benefits. Still do not get it? Or you're still apprehensive about the dairy products and their calorie content. So let’s shed light on some facts. This gloriously tasty treat contains in your average serving:

Calories : 76
Fats:2.6 g (Saturated Fats: 1.9g, Trans Fats: 0g)
Cholesterol: 7 mg
Carbohydrates:11.6 g

Can you imagine a world without milk (tremble)? Without it, there would be no Tea or Coffee you’d have to face the hectic Monday morning blues, make your presentation sluggishly, and get through the lousy work schedules with only the beeping of the office phone to keep you active. But Milk does more than just keep you active. Every newborn baby, feeds on his or her mother’s milk. It is milk on which every baby starts growing up. Milk contains numerous vital nutrients such as protein, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin B12.

However, consuming dairy products daily can also increase your cholesterol levels. So how do you keep your body in shape?

If it was simple everyone would be thin, right? Just kidding. Who says having a healthy body requires great efforts? Treat yourself to a Saffron thin diet recipe. Seriously, Saffron makes everything better. Not only is it delicious, but it also helps improve your mood and level of alertness. Have a blast with this Saffron and Milk combination recipe. Forget the calories and indulge in this Saffron recipe .In a nutshell, Saffron and milk is nutritious, it's a drink which is good for the body and soul.

From skim-plus to ultra-pasteurized, the milk hallway is flooded with an extensive variety. And we're not just talking about cow milk, we are also talking about Colostrum Milk.

It is also called the first milk. No, wonder, Colostrum is loaded with a huge amount of goodies. It is produced by the cow for only a few short days subsequent to the birth of a calf. Colostrum is prepared from the first 3 days of Mother's milk from a cow who has just given birth to calves. Colostrum comprises of antibodies to safeguard the newborn calf from diseases. It is also lower in fat and higher in protein than ordinary milk. Many athletes are famous for including Colostrum in their diet.

Here is an Indian delicacy with three names

Saffron Kharvas, Saffron Colostrum or Saffron Beesting Pudding

To make this delicious recipe you will need

1. 1 cup of Colostrum Cow Milk

2. 2 cups of Milk

3. 1 cup of Sugar

4. Pinch of Saffron threads

5. 3/4 tsp Cardamom powder

Directions: In a large bowl carefully pour the Colostrum and the Milk. Make sure it blends well. Now the fun part , to this mixture add cardamom powder, Sugar and of course the Saffron threads. Give it a gentle stir.Slowly slide this mixture into a deep pan and steam cook it for 20-30 minutes.Allow it settle down at room temperature and then place it in the refrigerator to chill.

To Serve:
Your Saffron Colostrum experience won’t be complete without your choice of yummy toppings. Toasted crunchy almonds, and pistachios are just a few of the huge queue of favorites.

Enjoy this nutritious Saffron delicacy without compromising on your health. Having a healthy body is essential for good health and improving your immune system,so it's best to consume food that is nutritious, easy to prepare,tasty as well as that is best suited to your lifestyle.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Saffron the Stress-Buster : Paddling away stress with Saffron Thin Diet Tips

Today’s average lifestyle is stressful and hectic and it seems to get more-so with each and every day. Stress and anxiety are believed to be the primary underlying root causes behind all the major illnesses in the World.

So, how do we fight stress?

What steps can we take to lead a healthier and stress-free lifestyle?
How to become stress-free is the most relevant question lingering on the back of our minds.
Here is a simple tactic for reducing stress. Start it off with a peaceful moment by enjoying a delectable Saffron infused delicacy in the company of your loved ones.


Yes, you heard it right! The golden spice is sure to have a calming effect on your nerves and refresh your mind and body. The efficacy of Saffron as a stress-buster has been time tested universally and cross-culturally for thousands of years. It's time to utilize what can possibly be the greatest stress-buster of all.

Believe it because it's time tested, tried and true, nature's miracle stress-buster is SAFFRON!

Saffron by itself will do wonders to calm your mind and set you at ease. However it surely can't hurt to take a vacation from stressful environments, maybe to a place far away from city life. A place nestled in the heart of nature near water and surrounded with beautiful flora and fauna. Destinations near pristine waters have always proven to be ideal getaways from the hustle-bustle of city life. The serene waters from lakes, rivers or seas have a calming effect on your mind and body. They can leave you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

What makes water destinations so special ?
It is their isolation from all the stress factors you encounter in everyday life- Water helps to calm tired nerves. Water is a vital element that can be used in any stress-buster recipe and using Saffron takes the experience over the top!

Holidaying near the sea, river, lake or inter-coastal waterway? This will bring you closer to boating, sun, wind and sea-creatures. Boating is of special importance and might seem like an unusual DE-stressing tool to some, but it works for those with a sense of adventure. While at the water choose to spend some time in paddle boats such as kayaks and canoes, they are wonderful stress busters for all the adventure lovers out there. Paddling a canoe or kayak teaches us to deal with our problems one at a time and with confidence and patience.

It motivates us to face the obstacles with enthusiasm ,courage and determination. The boating experience is exhilarating, you encounter waves and traverse them, observe wildlife in the natural habitat and the experience is guaranteed to set your mind at ease. Breath in the fresh air when your out over the open water and take a sip of that saffron infused iced tea you brought along for the journey. Now you can feel your stress melting away! Make this fun trip in the sun an expedition of self-discovery, It's just you and the beautiful blue water below and the endless sky above.

Canoeing and kayaking is more than just paddling , it's a way of life, a way of being. It's an idea, that puts you in a divine state of mind with water and wondrous nature, the particularly powerful association of the mind body and soul.

OK so saffron and boating can help my mind, but lets not forget the body. Paddling is also superb for attaining trimmed abs and a great physique. Remember a healthy body is better equipped to dealing with, and fighting stress. So each and every time you dip your paddle in the water you are building a healthy immunity to stress by improving your overall health.

Nevertheless, if you’re not a “canoeing person” then our Saffron Thin diet tips are a great way for you to DE-stress yourself and kick start your life. Saffron is packed with stress relieving substances that can assist in elevating your mood. Just thinking about laughing can facilitate an improvement in your your state of mind, that in turn, decreases the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline and dopac. Just stop and think about that for a second. You don't even have to laugh, you only have to think about laughing for the stress factors to melt away!

So whether your a boater or not you can stop stress in its tracks with a good laugh thanks to these five Saffron thin diet tips.

1. Say "Buenos días": Relax frazzled nerves with Spanish Saffron risotto. This Spaniard recipe assists in balancing the stress hormones and acts as an energy booster by triggering the brain to release the wellness substance serotonin. So dig in this savory dish , but don’t forget to say “Gracias” (Thank you) to this enticing country for such a fabulous recipe.

2. Coffee time: Although Coffee is not considered as a stress buster, there are exceptions to the rule. Saffron Arabic Coffee is great way to kick start your day. Saffron's name comes from the Arabic word “Za'faran”, which means yellow color. But as Shakespeare said "Whats there in the name.” You will fall in love with the Arabic etiquette of serving coffee. The Arabic coffee is usually served with dates. Dates are low in cholesterol so again good for health. So drink up as the Arab's say “Fisehatak” (To good health)

3. Calming Aroma: Saffron has a nice aroma to it. Embracing the aroma of Saffron can help in lifting your mood. Smelling saffron has been considered by many to be a spiritual experience. According to research, a good smell can help to DE-stress your mind. So grab that saffron and inhale the aroma and then exhale in a deep and steady rhythm. When your feeling stressed out, stop and smell the saffron!

4. Roman Holiday: Rome is not just about history, architectural marvels and art, it's also a place full of culinary wonders. Have you ever thought about indulging in tasty traditional Italian dishes with saffron outside the Colosseum? Then you should consider Italy as your next holiday destination on your stress-busting quest. When in Rome do as the Romans and say “Mangiare per la salute” Eat up to your health! 

5. Persian Delicacy: Juggle between sweet and savory flavors with delicious Persian Saffron recipes. Open yourself to the wonders of Persian cuisine. Indulge in Saffron “Jujeh Kebab”, a very famous Persian dish, which is essentially chicken skewers marinated with yogurt, lime and saffron, slow cooked over a hot tandoori and served while still warm, to be eaten with Pita bread. Persian royalty adore such a dish and the delicate and sophisticated taste of saffron will make you forget all your worries.

Using these Saffron Thin Diet Tips are a tasty and pleasant way to get rid of the stress that we suffer from on a daily basis. So next time your near the water, jump in that canoe or kayak and paddle away, but don't forget to take saffron and laughter with you. Together they help set the mood for an exciting time, filled with happiness, flavor and a stress free lifestyle!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Exquisite Arabic Saffron Recipes, Arabic Coffee with Saffron, Saffron Chicken Roast & Ginger Saffron Drink

There is always a magical and mystical vibe associated with the Arabian culture. Arabs have a rich and beautiful tradition. Arabs place immense importance to their family and community. Their art, architecture, music and food reflects exuberance and affluence.

The Arabs have immensely contributed to the world of medicine,astronomy, architecture, trade and of course food. They have played a major role in introducing the aromatic spice Saffron to the world.

The golden spice has been adorned by different names in different cultures and countries , for instance in Farsi and Turkish languages it is called as Zefrun, in Arabic, it is called Zafaran, in English, "saffron", and in Spanish "Azafran", in French "Safrane"and in India, it is called "Kesar".

“Zafaran” in Arabic means the color yellow. This exotic spice renders a yellow color to the food and therefore it is given this scintillating name in the Arabic world.

The history of Saffron is as unique and inherent as the spice itself. It dates back to around 4500 years and spans various civilizations, countries, and cultures. The origination of this provocatively exotic spice is in the Orient.

There are accounts of use of Saffron in food, medicines, perfume, and as a dye for clothes in the Middle-Eastern countries from ancient times. It was the Arabs who encouraged the cultivation of Saffron in Spain.

Arabic culture is one the most hospitable cultures in the world. Their cuisine is considered to be one of the most delectable cuisines. Saffron is an integral part of Arabic cuisine right from the famous Arabic Coffee to the Biryani. What might be the reasons for their smoldering affair with Saffron?

Let’s join our quest of Saffron Arabic Cuisine to unfold the mystery of their affection to Saffron. Let us begin our journey by discovering the secret recipe of the refreshing Arabic Coffee. In the Arab countries every festival is begun with this rejuvenating drink.



Arabic Coffee with Saffron

3 cups of water
3 Tablespoons of Arabic coffee, coarsely ground
1 tablespoon of cardamom powder
5-6 whole cloves
1/2 teaspoon of Saffron threads
1 teaspoon of fresh rose water.

1.Begin by boiling the water in a medium saucepan. In the Middle - East , they make use of special coffee pot called the ‘dallah’.
2. Once the water boils add the 3 tablespoons of Arabic coffee and 1 tablespoon of coarsely grounded cardamom powder. Let it boil for about 10 to 12 minutes.
3. Now add 5- 6 cloves and stir it and let it simmer for another 5 minutes over a low flame.
4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it rest for about 5 minutes for the coffee to settle down.
5. Strain and pour the coffee in a pot and add 1 teaspoon of rose water and 1/2 teaspoon of saffron threads to it. Place it over a low flame and bring it to a boil.
6. Arabic Saffron Coffee is ready. Serve this steaming hot Arabic coffee with dates in the Arabian style.

Arabic coffee is accustomed in delicacy, tradition and festivals. Arabs lay enormous importance to presentation. The Coffee is served in a small fragile cup called finjaan and poured from a great height.

Now, let’s move on to the delicious main course menu that happens to be a typical Saudi Arabian dish.

Chicken Roast with Saffron Rice

1 Whole Chicken
½ Onion
2 cups of fresh Green Beans
1 cup of Basmati Rice or long grain rice
1 Chicken Bouillon
½ teaspoon Cardamom powder
½ teaspoon of Saffron threads
¼ cup of Pine Nuts
¼ cup of Almonds
4 tablespoons of Olive Oil
2 cups of water
Salt and Pepper according to taste

1. Begin by placing the Chicken seasoned with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, salt and pepper in a pre-heated oven set at about 400 degrees F. Let it cook for about 60 minutes.
2. Meanwhile wash and slice the green beans and onion lengthwise and put them in a large saucepan.
3. Place this saucepan over a medium flame and pour in 1 tablespoon of olive oil to it. Saute the onions till they attain a nice golden -brown color.
4. Now to this mixture add 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder, 1/2 teaspoon of saffron threads, 2 cups of water, chicken bouillon, and a cup of rice. Keep stirring this mixture till it comes to a boil.
5. Decrease the flame and cover it with a lid.
6.Let this rice, chicken and saffron mixture boil for about 30 minutes on a low flame.
7.Once the Chicken and the rice, Chicken and Saffron mixture are ready, garnish them with almonds and pine nuts and serve them on a large dish.
Enjoy this Arabic delicacy along with a nice Arabic music and a good company. Arabic Chicken Roast with Saffron Rice can be best enjoyed in the company of your beloved.

After a main -course meal, let’s relish in some Arabic Saffron Beverages. What could be better than a Ginger -Saffron drink?

Ginger Saffron Drink

2.5 cups of Water,
1/2 piece of fresh ginger,
1 teaspoon of Saffron threads
1 cup of sugar for the traditional method, but for the health conscious leave out the sugar, it's still a fantastically great tasting drink without the sugar!

1. Boil 2 1/2 cup of water and add 1 cup of sugar to it.
2. Now add 1/2 a piece of ginger and 1 teaspoon of saffron threads
3.Let it simmer for 5 to 10 minutes and then pour it into a Coffee pot and serve it.

It is truly a splendid and a revitalizing drink. Exploring Arabic Saffron cuisine feels like experiencing the fusion of luxury and simplicity. So, indulge yourself in this highly delicious Arabic cuisine and don’t forget to include your near and dear ones while enjoying these Arabic Saffron delicacies.