Monday, July 8, 2013

Saffron the Stress-Buster : Paddling away stress with Saffron Thin Diet Tips

Today’s average lifestyle is stressful and hectic and it seems to get more-so with each and every day. Stress and anxiety are believed to be the primary underlying root causes behind all the major illnesses in the World.

So, how do we fight stress?

What steps can we take to lead a healthier and stress-free lifestyle?
How to become stress-free is the most relevant question lingering on the back of our minds.
Here is a simple tactic for reducing stress. Start it off with a peaceful moment by enjoying a delectable Saffron infused delicacy in the company of your loved ones.


Yes, you heard it right! The golden spice is sure to have a calming effect on your nerves and refresh your mind and body. The efficacy of Saffron as a stress-buster has been time tested universally and cross-culturally for thousands of years. It's time to utilize what can possibly be the greatest stress-buster of all.

Believe it because it's time tested, tried and true, nature's miracle stress-buster is SAFFRON!

Saffron by itself will do wonders to calm your mind and set you at ease. However it surely can't hurt to take a vacation from stressful environments, maybe to a place far away from city life. A place nestled in the heart of nature near water and surrounded with beautiful flora and fauna. Destinations near pristine waters have always proven to be ideal getaways from the hustle-bustle of city life. The serene waters from lakes, rivers or seas have a calming effect on your mind and body. They can leave you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

What makes water destinations so special ?
It is their isolation from all the stress factors you encounter in everyday life- Water helps to calm tired nerves. Water is a vital element that can be used in any stress-buster recipe and using Saffron takes the experience over the top!

Holidaying near the sea, river, lake or inter-coastal waterway? This will bring you closer to boating, sun, wind and sea-creatures. Boating is of special importance and might seem like an unusual DE-stressing tool to some, but it works for those with a sense of adventure. While at the water choose to spend some time in paddle boats such as kayaks and canoes, they are wonderful stress busters for all the adventure lovers out there. Paddling a canoe or kayak teaches us to deal with our problems one at a time and with confidence and patience.

It motivates us to face the obstacles with enthusiasm ,courage and determination. The boating experience is exhilarating, you encounter waves and traverse them, observe wildlife in the natural habitat and the experience is guaranteed to set your mind at ease. Breath in the fresh air when your out over the open water and take a sip of that saffron infused iced tea you brought along for the journey. Now you can feel your stress melting away! Make this fun trip in the sun an expedition of self-discovery, It's just you and the beautiful blue water below and the endless sky above.

Canoeing and kayaking is more than just paddling , it's a way of life, a way of being. It's an idea, that puts you in a divine state of mind with water and wondrous nature, the particularly powerful association of the mind body and soul.

OK so saffron and boating can help my mind, but lets not forget the body. Paddling is also superb for attaining trimmed abs and a great physique. Remember a healthy body is better equipped to dealing with, and fighting stress. So each and every time you dip your paddle in the water you are building a healthy immunity to stress by improving your overall health.

Nevertheless, if you’re not a “canoeing person” then our Saffron Thin diet tips are a great way for you to DE-stress yourself and kick start your life. Saffron is packed with stress relieving substances that can assist in elevating your mood. Just thinking about laughing can facilitate an improvement in your your state of mind, that in turn, decreases the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline and dopac. Just stop and think about that for a second. You don't even have to laugh, you only have to think about laughing for the stress factors to melt away!

So whether your a boater or not you can stop stress in its tracks with a good laugh thanks to these five Saffron thin diet tips.

1. Say "Buenos días": Relax frazzled nerves with Spanish Saffron risotto. This Spaniard recipe assists in balancing the stress hormones and acts as an energy booster by triggering the brain to release the wellness substance serotonin. So dig in this savory dish , but don’t forget to say “Gracias” (Thank you) to this enticing country for such a fabulous recipe.

2. Coffee time: Although Coffee is not considered as a stress buster, there are exceptions to the rule. Saffron Arabic Coffee is great way to kick start your day. Saffron's name comes from the Arabic word “Za'faran”, which means yellow color. But as Shakespeare said "Whats there in the name.” You will fall in love with the Arabic etiquette of serving coffee. The Arabic coffee is usually served with dates. Dates are low in cholesterol so again good for health. So drink up as the Arab's say “Fisehatak” (To good health)

3. Calming Aroma: Saffron has a nice aroma to it. Embracing the aroma of Saffron can help in lifting your mood. Smelling saffron has been considered by many to be a spiritual experience. According to research, a good smell can help to DE-stress your mind. So grab that saffron and inhale the aroma and then exhale in a deep and steady rhythm. When your feeling stressed out, stop and smell the saffron!

4. Roman Holiday: Rome is not just about history, architectural marvels and art, it's also a place full of culinary wonders. Have you ever thought about indulging in tasty traditional Italian dishes with saffron outside the Colosseum? Then you should consider Italy as your next holiday destination on your stress-busting quest. When in Rome do as the Romans and say “Mangiare per la salute” Eat up to your health! 

5. Persian Delicacy: Juggle between sweet and savory flavors with delicious Persian Saffron recipes. Open yourself to the wonders of Persian cuisine. Indulge in Saffron “Jujeh Kebab”, a very famous Persian dish, which is essentially chicken skewers marinated with yogurt, lime and saffron, slow cooked over a hot tandoori and served while still warm, to be eaten with Pita bread. Persian royalty adore such a dish and the delicate and sophisticated taste of saffron will make you forget all your worries.

Using these Saffron Thin Diet Tips are a tasty and pleasant way to get rid of the stress that we suffer from on a daily basis. So next time your near the water, jump in that canoe or kayak and paddle away, but don't forget to take saffron and laughter with you. Together they help set the mood for an exciting time, filled with happiness, flavor and a stress free lifestyle!

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