Friday, May 3, 2013

Why Saffron Spice and Diets are in Fashion

This world is the world of technology, science and time-poverty. People are looking for “quick” or click of button results. All girls want to look like barbie dolls or their favorite celebrities and all boys want to impress girls (when was that not the case!). However, technology might just have technical answers but without nature’s magic it is incomplete. So, science has got the natural cure for all troubles and it isn’t a superhero, it’s just a purple flower with red stigmas - Saffron Crocus or “Saffron”.

Due the presence of chemical components like picrocrocin, it has a unique flavor. The presence of natural crocin provides it with golden-yellow hue.

Saffron is Essential and Trendy

These features along with amazing medicinal uses make it one of the most precious ingredients in food in trend these days all over the world.

Saffron includes vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin C which help in providing good vision and healthy skin respectively.

Saffron is for Beautiful Spa Treatment

Studies also confirm that it helps in the production of collagen which helps in keeping your skin healthy. It has been included in many spas to render efficient facial massage therapy sessions for the same reason.

Saffron for Love Magic

Saffron helps enhance the sex quality and efficient functioning of the nervous system. Saffron is one spice which has all has the entire spectrum of basic mineral like Potassium, Magnesium, Iron and Phosphorus making it an ideal solution to increase blood count in people suffering from low haemoglobin count.

Saffron for Fighting Cancer, Other Ailments and a fit body!

However, the major benefits examined by the herbalists of China and India are that Saffron has Crocetin, which triggered cancel cell death and slowed down the growth of tumor. It also possesses the property to fight against infections like cold, flu, cough and sinus.

Many saffron discoveries have been made over thousands of years, one should definitely include saffron in their daily diet whenever they can.

Amongst the various benefits of Saffron, one important advantage is its capability to treat digestive disorders. Saffron intake helps in the regulation of the stomach acid production, thereby protecting the existence of heartburn. Rubbing of Saffron on the infected and sore gums, gives you immediate relief. Saffron is major ingredient which helps in your weight loss procedure.

Without following any exercise pattern and dietary chart, Saffron efficiently helps in reducing your extra flab, thereby decreasing the chances of contracting heart diseases. Saffron also helps in the prevention of incidents like colon cancer, skin tumor and leukemia. The herb carries effective anti-depressant capabilities which amazingly change your mood.

For a healthy and Beautiful Skin- go For a Saffron Facial


Saffron possesses the properties to highlight your skin tone and deal with dry skin problems. It renders amazing results when used in the form of a facial. It works as the best facial strategy for dry skin. Just mix 2 to 3 strands of Saffron along with 2 tbsp. of sandalwood powder in milk. It does wonders for a dry skin by giving it a perfect texture. It enlightens your complexion when used as a face mask in a mixture of clay, rose water. Just apply the face mask and rinse with cold water twice a month for effective results.

The Above are all reasons why SAFFRON TRENDS even when not on twitter but anywhere in the world. But caution works well with fashion, doesn’t it?

So, here is some free advice for pregnant women consuming the golden spice:

Consume Saffron Wisely During Pregnancy

The Eastern belief is that the consumption of saffron by a pregnant woman gives the baby a fairer complexion. Also, it enhances the digestion of the expecting mother. However, the would-be mother should be careful about the intake of saffron during pregnancy as consuming more than 10 mg of saffron in a day can lead to stimulation of uterine, thereby leading to miscarriage.Therefore it should be avoided altogether when pregnant.

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